8 cm Slimmer Waist With Three Cups of Tea Per Day

All three ingredients of this drink is perfect burn fat and speed up metabolism. In addition, this drink will also help you get rid of colds,
strengthen your body, and it is very tasty, but you can drink it, and instead of sodas or other beverages.

How to prepare tea for weight loss:

  • Take 800 ml of water, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 bay leaves
  • To start boil water. Remove from heat, add the cinnamon stick, 3 bay leaves, 1 tablespoon of green tea. Cover, and let stand for 15 minutes to rest
  • Strain
When it comes to metabolism, it is important to know that

the best time for the acceleration – early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Drink your first cup of tea on an empty stomach.
The second cup you can drink immediately after breakfast. A third – in the evening, just before bedtime.It is sufficient.

Three cups of tea a day melt fat and to the most critical areas of the body.

The first results are visible after 7 days.